Complaints Procedure
The child's parent, carer or any person who has been provided with a service at the school can register a complaint. By law, governing bodies must have a complaints procedure in place, please read the following regarding how to make a complaint.
Raising your complaint informally
You can raise a complaint with a member of school staff either in person, by telephone, or in writing.
You will be given a chance to discuss your concerns informally with the appropriate member of staff. Complaints about a member of staff should be made to the Headteacher. You may need to make an appointment to discuss these concerns further.
You can bring a friend to any discussion
The member of staff dealing with the concern will make sure you understand what actions have been agreed
The process will be completed quickly and conclusions will be sent to you in writing
If a suitable solution can’t be found, we will advise you to consider making a formal complaint in writing to the Headteacher.
Formal complaints
Stormont House School follows the Hackney Education model complaints’ procedure.
Download a copy of the Complaints Procedure
Further information regarding making a complaint about a school can by obtained from Government website, via this link: Complain about a school
- violence
- emotional abuse
- sexual interference
- neglect
Further information
Katherine Cracknell, Acting Head of Wellbeing and Education Safeguarding at Hackney Education - 020 8820 7773.
Complaints about Hackney Education
If your complaint is about a service provided by Hackney Education, there is a separate procedure to follow. Go to Hackney Council - Complaints
Help and advice with your complaint
Officers in Hackney Educations Admissions and Pupil Benefits Team can provide advice and guidance to schools, parents and complainants on the procedures. You can call the team on 020 8820 7402 / 7396 / 7501.