The range of special educational needs that our schools designed to meet is explained in our SEND Information Report. Please read before consulting with the school for a place.
All consultation paper work should be sent securely to our dedicated Admissions email address so that it can be downloaded, reviewed and responded to confidentially.
Admissions Contact:
Further information for Local Authorities
- The range of special educational needs that our school is designed to meet is set out in our SEND Information Report and in the column on the right.
- The further information the SEND Information Report also sets out information on the attainment range that our curriculum is designed to meet, taking reasonable adjustment into account.
- Pressure on places is high for secondary transfer, resulting in limited opportunities for in-year admissions.
- Though we recognise that local authorities must consult in accordance with parental preference, recent and accurate information on attainment, progress, social interaction and engagement with learning are needed for a meaningful consultation response.
- Informal discussion prior to formal consultation is welcome
Stormont House School is designed to be appropriate for students in Years 7-12 (aged 11-17)
- whose combination of Communication & Interaction[1] needs with Moderate Learning Difficulties would significantly affect their ability to learn, thrive and develop in a secondary mainstream setting
- who may also present with Social, Emotional, and Mental Health difficulties arising from their learning, communication & interaction needs and/or emotional vulnerability, experience of trauma or other mental health needs
- who are able to access the National Curriculum, albeit below typical age-related expectations
- who, with high-quality teaching, can access a curriculum leading to accreditation from Entry Level 2 up to GCSE grades 1-3 (or equivalent)
Although students’ social communication, emotional and social development needs may impact on their behaviour at times, the school is not appropriate for social, emotional, and mental health difficulties or disorders that present an ongoing significant behavioural risk to self or others.