School Rules


School Rules

Jewellery / Make-up

As part of the School Code, there is a “No Jewellery” policy, this includes chains, bracelets, rings, large hooped earrings and Loom Bands.  The only exception is small studs and small hooped earrings.  No make-up is to be work in school.

School Equipment

To help students take responsibility for their learning and develop independence, the school expects students in Year 9, 10 and 11 to provide their own writing equipment.  Please make sure your child has the necessary equipment for all lessons.

Chewing Gum, Food and Drink

Under no circumstances are students allowed to bring food, drink or chewing gum onto school premises.

Mobile Phones

Mobile phones are not allowed in school.  If students bring a phone to school it must be left at the office on arrival.

Personal stereos / iPods / MP3s / tablets and mobile devices

Personal stereos / iPods / MP3s and tablets are not allowed on school premises, however, if your child listens to their mobile device on the way to and from school, they must hand it in to the office as soon as they arrive, and it will be returned to them for their journey home at the end of the day.