Grants & Benefits
Disability Living Allowance (DLA)
- is under 16
- has difficulties walking or needs much more looking after than a child of the same age who does not have a disability
Care Component
Care component | Weekly rate |
Lowest | £28.70 |
Middle | £72.65 |
Highest | £108.55 |
Mobility Component
Mobility component | Weekly rate |
Lower | £28.70 |
Higher | £75.75 |
To claim DLA for a child you need to be their parent or look after them as if you’re their parent. This includes step-parents, guardians, grandparents, foster-parents or older brothers or sisters.
If your child currently lives in England or Wales you can apply by either
- printing off and filling in the DLA claim form
- phoning the Disability Living Allowance helpline and asking for a printed form
The Disability Living Allowance helpline is:
Telephone: 0800 121 4600
Textphone: 0800 121 4523
Relay UK (if you cannot hear or speak on the phone): 18001 then 0800 121 4600
British Sign Language (BSL) video relay service if you’re on a computer - find out how to use the service on mobile or tablet
Monday to Friday - 9am to 5pm
Personal Independence Payment (PIP)
Eligibility criteria for Personal Independence Payment (PIP):
- you are aged 16 or over
- you have a long-term physical or mental health condition or disability
- you have difficulties doing certain everyday tasks or getting around
- you have had these difficulties for at least three months and expect them to last for at least another nine months
- you live in Great Britain for more than 3 years
- you are under State Pension age
There are two parts to PIP:
- a daily living part - if you need help with everyday tasks
- a mobility part - if you need help with getting around
Whether you get one or both parts and how much you get depends on how difficult you find everyday tasks and getting around.
To claim PIP, you need to:
- Call to start your claim. You’ll then be sent a form that asks about your condition.
- Complete and return the form.
- You might need to have an assessment, if more information is needed.
Telephone: 0800 917 2222
Relay UK (if you cannot hear or speak on the phone): 18001 then 0800 917 2222
British Sign Language (BSL) video relay service if you’re on a computer - find out how to use the service on mobile or tablet
Calling from abroad: +44 191 218 7766
Monday to Friday, 8am to 5pm
For more information visit
Short Breaks

- Holiday schemes
- After school clubs
- Adventure play
- Buddying and befriending
- Disability specific services
- Support to access inclusive mainstream service
Hackney council works in partnership with Homerton to deliver "Short Breaks" services. Providing Short Breaks forms one part of Hackney's support offer to disabled children, young people and their families.
To find out more about Short Breaks' offers and whether you can apply visit
If you are not a Hackney resident, most local authorities have a Short Breaks scheme which you will be able to find by searching Short Breaks followed by the borough you live in.
Family Fund

Disabled Children’s Service
The Disabled Children’s Service team undertakes a Child and Family Needs Assessment to see what additional support families who have disabled children need.
Assessments can lead to a support package in the form of Direct Payments, or through an approved care agency and in some cases interim support can be provided during the assessment.
After the assessment families can receive:
- Help with personal care and social activities
- Help from the Short Breaks Service
Hackney's Disabled Children's Service does not accept new referrals themselves.
All referrals come through Hackney Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH)
Phone: 0208 356 5500
Referral form and more information are available from the Disabled Children’s Service entry.
To find out more visit Disabled Children’s Service
Disabled Persons Freedom Pass
The travel pass for disabled people that allows free travel across London and free bus journeys nationally.
Statutory disabilities which make someone eligible for a disabled persons Freedom Pass are:
- People who are blind or partially sighted
- People who are profoundly or severely deaf
- People without speech
- People who have a disability, or have suffered an injury, which has left them with a substantial and long-term adverse effect on their ability to walk
- People who do not have arms or have a long-term loss of the use of both arms
- People who have a learning disability that is defined as 'a state of arrested or incomplete development of mind which includes significant impairment of intelligence and social functioning'
- People who, if they applied for the grant of a licence to drive a motor vehicle under Part III of the Road Traffic Act 1988, would have their application refused pursuant to section 92 of the Act (physical fitness) otherwise than on the ground of persistent misuse of drugs or alcohol.
To apply for a Freedom Pass visit
Discretionary freedom passes
A number of boroughs issue discretionary Freedom Passes to disabled people who do not meet the statutory eligibility criteria. The number of boroughs offering these may be subject to change and because these passes are discretionary, they could be withdrawn at a future date.
For more information about the discretionary Freedom Pass contact the council by:
Phone: 0300 330 1433
Find out more:
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Blue Badge
If you're disabled or have a health condition that affects your mobility, you can apply for a Blue Badge which allows to to park a car in places nearer to where you are going.
Parents and carers can apply for a badge if they care for a child with a health condition.
If you get certain benefits you may automatically be able to get a Blue Badge. These applications are straightforward.
It's may still be worth applying if you're not automatically eligible. Applications may be more complicated, because you will have to describe the problems you have with mobility in a lot more detail.
To find out more visit
Disabled Persons Railcard
The Disabled Persons Railcard is for people with a disability that makes travelling by train difficult. You will qualify for the Disabled Persons Railcard if you receive Personal Independence Payments (PIP) or Disability Living Allowance (DLA) at either:
- the higher or lower rate for the mobility component, or
- the higher or middle rate for the care component
- have a visual impairment
- have a hearing impairment
- have epilepsy
To find out more visit
Carers Card
Carers, aged 18 or over, who provide care for a Hackney resident, of any age, can apply for a Hackney carer's card and sign up for the carers' register.
Find out more:
Emergency Carers Card
Carers often worry about who will tend to the people they care for if they are involved in an unplanned emergency.
The emergency card is a plastic card, the size of a credit card, which will identify you as a carer if you have an accident or are unable to identify yourself. The emergency card scheme ensures that your emergency plan will be accessible to all should any unplanned emergency occur to you.
To find out more visit
Cinema Exhibitors Association Card
The CEA Card is a national card scheme developed for UK cinemas by the UK Cinema Association (UKCA), formerly the Cinema Exhibitors' Association (CEA). The scheme is one of the ways for participating cinemas to make reasonable adjustments for disabled guests when they go to the cinema and helps by providing a complimentary ticket for someone to go with them.
Find out more: