The World of Work - Year 10 Internal Work Experience Interviews

15th December 2017

On Thursday 14 December the students in Year 10 experienced what it is like in the world of work by undertaking their internal work experience interviews. The students were interviewed by our mentors from Williams Lea Ltd, the feedback from the mentors was very positive and included the following comment - “The students were all very positive, confident and knowledgeable about their prospective roles.”


The students were very nervous however they all did exceedingly well - comments from the students included:

Ayadh - “I felt like a proper gentleman.”

Seyi - “The man made me feel not scared.”

Lesny - “I felt quite calm and welcomed.”

Nanak - “It was like I’m actually getting a job.”

Ryan - “I felt happy and proud.”

Katie- “I felt excited and nervous before my interview, during it I felt that I enjoyed it.”

Holly-“I felt nervous and a bit shaky.”


Well done Year 10 -you all did fantastically well, Ms Carter was very proud of how you acted throughout the whole interview procedure.